Wednesday, October 31, 2012

that thing called L.O.V.E

Assalamualaikum all..its yet another wednesday..lately i grow fond of wednesday cos me n wid has make it official tat wednesday is our movie date day yeehuuu!!! I love movie n wid love movie soo what the heck rite i shud just go for it..but tats not what i wanna talk about here..its sumtin else sumtin important 2 most of us..

Lately ive find myself having an inner monolog about why is it so easy for sum people 2 just simply asked anyone 2 be an item..dlm erti kata lain ajak kaple it a joke nowadays?? Tibe2 rasa suka kt sumbody then trs2 ajak kaple..why people why???is love not a sacred thing anymore??is it tat easy 2 find love??or do u really know whats the meaning of love??...

For me love is still sumtin sooo sacred tats only comes once in a blue moon..its soo special tat its only emerged once u truly found tat person..tat person who makes u feel like u dont need anything else but just the company of each other..tat person who lights up ure day just by saying hello..n with a single touch sent shiver down ure spine..

As u can see its not a joking or not even a 'tangkap muat' thingy for me..not just a person tats there cos u needed sumbody 2 stroke ure ego..not just sumbody to warm ure dark n lonely nights.. There is a different between love n like..eventho its a tiny line but still theres a pls dont get ureself confused n making the worse decision in ure sure be very sure before u make any move..

All in all tat have happen in my life..i still believe theres love n i will damn sure find it sooner or lets just hope n pry for the best..

tis is me

nota tangan : ayuh kita sama mencari kebahagiaan tersebut....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tis time its 4 good

I just cant believe what u did..after u come back i tot ure change but ure still the same n i think ure much worse.. U dont wanna b wit me u just need sumbody there when ure i looked like a fool 2 u? After what uve did 2 me then u came back n do worse.. Seyesly ive trusted u..i truly think tat uve change but i guess im just a fool for believing in u..

I just want 2 know it worth it?r u satisfied?r u much happier now??r u???or dont u even care?? I guess u dont tats y u could do what u did without even having the slightest remorsed..

Ive loved u n u very well know tat but uve break my heart 2 much n 2 many time..please do what u do best move on n dont come back n pls do not remember me everytime things isnt goin ure way..cos im not gonna b here with an open arms anymore..

tis is me :

nota tangan : penat la cinta org...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Female Driver

*bkn aku hiks*
Assalamualaikum all..2day aku rasa ok cikit dr smlm...mybe sbb aku dh luah ape aku nk luah kut or mybe sbb aku tdo je smlm hahaha..*ank2 aku duk wat ape tah smlm bgn2 abesh umah haha*...2day aku tknk meroyan tp aku nk bukak topic cikit..mybe ramai yg akn sokong n ada gaks yg akn ckp eleeeehh die pn gitu gamaknya hahahah yg pasti aku mmg suka sgt topic arini...

Kejadian pg td : aku kuar simpang nk masuk ke lane kanan sekali sbb aku nk u-turn kt trafic light dpn tu...aku tgk bakang ada 1 kete besau putih jauh gila lg..aku pun masuk dh bg signal..aku leh nmpk driver tu tekan minyak dgn lebih kuat sbb tknk bg aku masuk padahal aku sorg je kut kt citu die pn nk masuk ke lane kiri...bila aku jenguk nk tgk driver dia...guess what yesss its a women...

Kejadian pg td gaks : otw nk g bfast..there's a zebra crossing..kami nk cross dh nmpk kami nk cross kete 2 makin tekan minyak...*WTH*...oittt ada zebra nk cross kut klu tknk stop..slow down laaa beb..kami saje jln slow2 sbb nk tgk driver die ye tekaan anda tepat mmg pompuan...

i know im one of women drivers but heeeyyy im proud 2 say i dont drive like one..*puji diri*....ive found that a lot of women out there yg tk kenal peddle brek isk isk...seriously gurls tlg la blaja brek cikit..tkde nye klu kita bg jln kt org lain kita kena marah ngn bos or kena panah petir..mama aku slalu ckp.."klu kita bg jln kt org skang..satu hari nnt tuhan mudahkn perjalanan kita.." smpi skang aku ingt n alhamdulilah kdg2 aku amal kn hehehe...honestly this entry bkn nk hentam sape2..its just that bila aku dh start drive br la aku sdr kenapa wujudnya istilah "Women Driver"..kita sbagai wanita tkleh biarkan aje benda ni berleluasa..come on all female driver out there..lets start drive like a man hahahaha but lets not let it define who we are ye ye ye...

tis is me : 

nota tangan : im a proud Malaysian Female Driver ahaks...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

my life

assalamualaikum..morning peeps..its Tuesday morning and i dont feel like going 2 work but heeeyyy im here at the office..trying 2 do some work which obviously i dont want 2..bukak je keje ni n tgk smpi tembus monitor ni haa..ive been sick lately..n not not sure whats the trigger probably cos im having an imbalance hormone *yes blame it on ur sickness*...

i think im goin thru another break down..n i think its gonna be a mayor one..i can think straight..i can do anything..i dont even feel like waking up in the morning...sumtimes i dont even wanna breathe..i know its getting worse n i dont wanna be in a situation where i cant pick myself back up..its been month since it happen n im getting back on my feet..ive got back with my ex..*yes the one who left me 2 b with other gurl*..n we've break up..i dont know what i want always so sure of what i want in life..but now its just not tat important anymore..

i need 2 built myself up before i put myself back on the shelf but can i do it??will i manage 2 find myself back??im so tired of being not important 2 so tired of being the nice gurl tat u need 2 make u feel good about so tired of being so not wanted...n most of all im so tired of being sooo tired...

tis is me :

nota tangan : im so angry at myself..