Monday, November 22, 2010


hey guys..2day might be my last entry..cos i seriously thinking of killing myself 2day..ahaks i felt so not important n unwanted by all..what am i doing here???whuts the point??all things tat happens 2 me lead to the same conclusion im just simply not wanted anywhere in this world..

before i leave this world i have a couple of things to say might not be a couple might be a millon words ahaks..just bare wit me k guyz...

to mama n ayah:
im a bad daughter tat u ever have i apologize 4 all the things ive done all of it cos if im goin to list it down it would be a all day event....i do hope tat ure haji di terima tuhan cos ure the best parents ever eventho i didnt get tat much love but i know both of u used to love me..

to my dear sister n brother :
as a younger sister ive always try to do the best so tat i will never be over shadow by both of u..i love all my nieces n all the best with ure children..jgn jd mcm family kita yg tkpernah reti tuk kata ape isi hati sebenar...all the best 4 both of u..

to my dear wonderpets :
ive try to reach out but im completely helpless n i dont have any power left to keep reaching out..i hope all the best for ure future n im very2 thankful 2 get to know each 1 of u..mwakhss remember lya loved u..

to u :
im sorry 4 all whut have happened 2 u..i dont have anything else left to say just tat i loved u with all my heart...hope u find whut ure looking 4...

theres no more entry after this guyz..tq so much 4 following...