Thursday, December 2, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

wahhhhhhhhhh tk sangka dpt award nie yg 1st nie...hope more to come yerrr...

1) Thanks the person who gave you this award and the link of the person
Tq berry mucha cek lalala sbb bg award nie kt sy hehe terharu lagi nie hukhuk..
nie page cek la : Kasut Cek La jemput2 gie cekedaut...

2) Spread the award to 15 blogger who you like and you think their blogs are awesome
tk cukup kut 15 tp yg ade la ek..
cak : Ombakasih
Annaz Malik : Kau Yang dihati

cukup la nie gamaknya ek...nie jerk yg ade hahaha..till next quest guys happy reading..

*i dont get u*