Friday, November 19, 2010


adeh topic yg amat menyayat perasaan nie ahaks..well to tell u the truth..ader la cikit2 terkilan dgn sesetgh org but seperti biasa mls nk ambik di sbb kn rite now im having my bloody day so i have the rite 2 be emotional ahaks..*1 of the best thing being a gurl :P* ...

well back to the topic..terasa amat but mls la nk ckp ape2..biar kn ia berlalu like all of my problem before this pun..dunt get me wrong im not running from my problems but its just easier tat way..if i tungang tongek pk n try cari solution..end up i gaks yg sakit soooo..kite biarkn jerk la hati ini merana n terlukaaa ewaaaaahhh...

oh dh mls nk rasa terluka dh..hahahaha..tekanan amat ke la diriku ini ahaks i dont even know...till next quest guys...happy reading

*arini jln2 kt dlm kasut cekla tp tkde ape2 isk isk kuciwa hahaha*