Friday, July 30, 2010

Check up

yeeehaaa my medical check up dh settel and im glad to know tat i have no other sickness tat i need to worry about other then my mental sickness ehehehehhe...tkpe jgn risau dh mkn ubt dh td muahahahahaha...but my weight naik la uwaaaaaa gile berat isk kena diet nie isk isk jum arr sape2 join me on a diet nk wat sorg segan muahahahhaha...

after the medical checkup i when to klcc and had a very seductive walk hahahaha window shopping kt klcc mmg menyakit kn jiwa..*nasihat dr doc jgn wat slalu* then after jln2 kol my muk..pdn la tk bls2 msg roper2nye meroloh *tdo* hikhikhik sbb tue la muk weks...die bg idea suh tgk muvi..i pun gie la survey dgn bwk xray yg besar..people r watching like i have some big huge words of AIDS tattooed on top of my forehead hahahah but wth i dont care...while queuing i tgk kt screen choosing the movie i want n nsb baik sempt nk tgk the movie tat ive wanted to see "twilight : eclipse". originally nk tgk tat movie ngn my muk muk tp ade la citer disebalik ke tak jadi an hahahahha...but at last ive seen the movie it was so romantic tat i almost imagine myself as bella swan..but i guess im not as weak as bella...i think im much stronger than tat...

well after the movie end...ive walked and walked till i found myself in the lrt then i got home hahahahah -the end-

till next quest guys..happy reading...

*mcm nk dmam so tktau nk type ape*