im continuing my driving license ahaks tue la dlu2 tknk abesh kn skang kn dh ssh haha..i want my license so tat tkde la nyusah kn sape2 nk drove me all the way to putrajaya..oh god i hope ive found a place there senang cikit..isk isk....pls guys if ure reading tkde ke member2 yg duk sana yg nk housemate informed me ek...asap...oh smbung psl kete tue..last time bukan tknk smbung the honest truth is im very very afraid of failing oh god let me do this in peace n pls give me strength...terserah pada mu ya allah ya tuhan ku...
im being a bit melodramatic tis past few weeks might be due to the circumstances that i have to face rite now or simply because im having my period hahahahaha...thats the thing tat i love the most being a woman...i can excuse myself from any mistake or problem due to hormonal imbalance hahahhaha LOVE it...
ok guys suddenly sleepy...till next quest happy reading...
*maybe there's hope still for ps i love u ahaks*