before i start i would like 2 apologize if tis entry ada wat anybody or anyone terasa or even mrh but i really need 2 write tis...sumbody told me a story 2day n as i listen carefully i realize tat most people do stupid n strange thing 4 love..hey dont get me wrong, i myself are doing it...n the main question here are why do we do it? eventho we dont really know the outcome..why do we put ourself in a situation where we know tat we cant really say or do anything..its like being in a box well in my case i need a really big box ahaks..
i cant really answer my own question..cos i dont even know why im doin this..well maybe i know la tat love really can take a hold of ur whole life..even now when i know tat my chances a so little but still im willing 2 wait n i know i told people tat i wont wait in pain but heyyy i am waiting in pain..cos waiting is so painful when u really dont know where its goin.. furthermore if the other person never even comfort u in any way..
come to think of it, it might come to a point of just the principle of it..but i wish its not tat way..REALLY!! love does thing 2 ur brain,body n most of all ur can change who u r n how u think n how u react 2 things n how u speak n how u eat..ect...well u've got the jizz of it kn..i stand up n applaud 2 all WAITERS *bkn pelayan ye* out there...we shud give ourself a pat on our back cos in a way we are strong individual whose willing 2 stand up for wat we believe in..just hang in there n im sure when the time comes u will know what 2 do..n my prayers r wit u..hopefully we find what we're looking 4...
tats it for now..till next entry..mwahksss i love u guyz..
tis is me :
nota tangan : sy bersyukur dgn apa yg sy ada alhamdulilah..TQ for tell me...