Thursday, February 23, 2012

F.U.N spells out Happy

assalamualaikum my dears..lately ive been bz tats y tkde entry2 terkini ahaks...ari2 type separuh jalan je..*bz sgt ke aku ni hahaha* u can see topic agak gempak hahaha *gempak ke??* well here we goooo...

actually i have a story to share but its not mine to share ahaks..nnt la akn ku share kn juga wat kamu2 semua just tat tis is not the best time kut...tgu daku bincang ngn si dia dlu ye..ahaks well i guess tats spoil it kn hahaha..yes there is sumbody now in my laks nk sorok2 dh..but 4 the time being u guys just hav to satisfied wit there is sumbody hikhik..tkleh nk bgtau sape dia ye biarlah rahsia *4 the time being*....lalala~~`

keadaan tidak mengizinkn kami untuk bersama but still we try to b laaa kn kn kaaan...sbrnnya nk taip dlm blog ni pun lya akn pk 10 kali..kadang2 tue dh taip2 nk klik publish pn pk 100 kali hahaha..but org ckp berita gembira elok la di kongsi kn bersama dia propose to me... ahaks if termasuk smlm dh 3 kali kut...

1st : 19 January 2012
2nd : 20 February 2012
3rd : 22 February 2012

1st die propose mmg time 2 im not ready..n honestly time 2 mmg im still waiting 4 my ex..ermm.. abaikan hahaha...the 2nd time die propose i gave my answer but dia kata jgn bgtau kt org sbb nk propose face 2 face..then yesterday after had our dinner we when 4 a smoke kt balcony *ahaks tk leh smoke dlm umah tersebut*..then die propose ahaks "will u marry me?"..mcm nk polok tknk lepas2 je time 2 but as always daku mmg slalu nya control ayuss hahaha..*sbnrnya tahan air mata*..then bg my answer..."ofcos i will"..oyeeeaaahhh!!!..

i know tat tis new build relationshp is gonna be a bumpy ride..but im willing n i accepted it *telan slow2*...till the day ure fully mine ek syg...eventho i know ramai tk setuju *maksud ramai ada la 2-3 org kwn haha*...yes n i know karma is gonna hunt me like hell but i cant lie to my self n my heart...ssh bila bende ni libat kn hati *sigh*..hope fully korg leh doakn tis new relationshp's gonna last 4 ever..or at least till our love dies....

k guys tats it 4 now..till next quest...mwahksss love u all...

tis is me :

nota tangan : jika ada lya terluka kan siapa2 lya minta maaf n ampun..i am only human..