im so damn depressed rite now n i dont know whut to do n where to go..i really need of my wonderpets rite now but as suspected they have their own life..well my beloved wonderpets i wish u all the best in your life..stay the same coz u are perfect just the way u r....soo seem that i dont have my wonderpets anymore i guess this is the last place 4 me to express myself whether if there's nobody reading it i guess it peace my mind just a little bit tats all i hope 4...
well as always i never write whut is my main problem ahaks..i guess i dont know how to explained it...i truly need help...ya allah ya tuhan ku bantu lah hamba mu yg kerdil ini aku benar2 memerlukan bantuan mu ya allah...beratnya laa dlm kepala ni air mata nie meleleh aje tk henti2 time dlm bus ke kt opis ke tgh jln ke..ahaks but mcm biasa tkde sape akn sedar air mata ku meleleh...i think i want to stop now cos skang pun dh tk nmpk screen ahaks...
till next quest guyz...happy reading
*no more ps i love u*