Friday, January 6, 2012

tis is it

wahhh dh lama tk update blog ptg2 ni haha tibe2 rasa nk menaip laks kn..well just nk kongsi about my life, my work, ect...topic kali ni is about work..

td pg ade meeting wit the head of my unit dlm arti kata lain bos la hahaha..tis year plan agak byk n agk gempak n amat2 ssh..mesti stok pecah kepala pk sistem tkpe semua nya ada jln penyelesaian kn..en kamal ckp "lya awk kena pastikn awk tau setiap perubahan sistem yg kak na buat sbb kita tkut kak na naik pangkat nnt tkde sape nk ganti.." peerrgghhh gila bos encem aku ni aku br sthn kut keje tkkn semua aku nk kena tau..nsb baik encem haha..

starting next week bakal bz gile2 nya seminggu kena perintah berkurung dlm bilik latihan..siap kn segala sistem yg ada..sob sob T-T..nk tknk kena berkorban tuk tmpt kerja terchenta..n demi bos yg encem sy rela aaauuwww!!!

k la tu je nk bgtau sbnrnya yg bos aku encem muahahahahaha..till next quest guys...

tis is me :


morning all..its friday yeay hari yg dinanti2 kn oleh semua umat manusia yg bernama pekerja haha..*4 those yg keje monday-friday jela* u can see topic 4 today is HIKMAH..korg percaya tk bila org slalu kata pasti ade hikmah di sebalik kejadian???..slalu time sumtin happen mesti org ckp gitu kn..n i pn slalu ckp mcm tue kt org wlupn tk brape nk phm or pasti...

well now i dh phm dh ape maksud hikmah di sebalik kejadian tu..its happening to me..after all my episode of "meroyan-ing", ive find my knight or is it a light or it might be an angel..i think its all of the above..i dont wanna spoil it by tell u guys all the juicy stuff but myb in time akn ku ceritakan.. wat masa skang ni biarlah rahsia ahaks..

i know sum of u might say its a bit 2 soon..but as i always say "SHIT HAPPENS" knnnn tell u the truth its not even a relationshp yet..its just happen to be 2 people who needed each other..n u know what i felt soooo nice having a person tat understand u..4 those who know us mesti tau our situation is a bit hard n complicated..but 4 us we just want to live a day at a time..

ok im gonna stop being mushy now ahaks muntah laks org baca blog ni hahaha..for tat person tq sooo much 4 being byk yg leh i ckp but i tau u tau kann..ahaks..till next quest guys..

tis is me :