penah tk korg rasa jd org bkn pilihan..maksud nya tidak di pilih oleh seseorg yg kita syg...i know some of u mesti jwp pernah kn..soo i guess korg tau rasa die mcmane kn.. honestly speaking mmg rasa mcm nk mati..rasa tk dicintai..rasa tk di hargai..rasa tkde maruah..rasa tkde harga diri...rasa MURAH..nk most of all rasa LOST n LONELY...
nasihat lya la pada semua kapel2 out there..if korg rasa korg dh tkleh nk go on bwk bincang..bincang things thru..if tkleh gaks break elok2..mmg akn sakit n akn rasa hati hancur tp rasa tue lebih baik dr rasa BKN PILIHAN..
just now lya ade baca dlm fb sumbody nye status die tulis "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. If you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second..... ;)".....sentap jap baca..but its the truth..mybe the 2nd 1 is the best kn...the 1st 1 u used to love but ure inlove wit the 2nd 1...
tah la pucuk pangkal terletak kt tgn plz..lya merayu plzz..jgn wat org lain rasa dia tkde harga...jgn wat org lain rasa ape yg lya rasa...
tis is me :