Wednesday, April 27, 2011

alamak boss...

perrgghh terkejut beruk cipanzi td..tgh duk ngelat BW tibe2 membe meja sebelah sempat nk tnye nape nmpk muka boss kt bakang hahahaha...tgn kanan bukak headphone..tgn kiri tutup window tgn kanan lap peluh...tgn kanan???brape byk tgn daaa...sbb kn boss besau nye pasal tibe2 ade tumbuh tgn br laks hahahahha gelabah gile..dh la rambut ala2 tk sikat sbb tarik headphone td hahahahaha..diskusi kami seperti di bwh :

  • boss : awk yg bertanggungjwp psl sudut lepak tue kn..
  • aku : *angguk2 geleng2 sengeh2*
  • boss : apa kata awk masukkn benda2 yang akan menarik perhatian pengguna untuk gunakan..benda dh ada tp tk tarik pengguna..blablablablablabla...
  • aku : *still angguk2* dlm hati *haaa ape bos ni ckp tk phm uwaaaa*
  • boss : buat la mcm waktu azan tue..ade tk bunyi time azan...
  • aku : *geleng2* tkde rasa nya boss..
  • boss : ade bunyi ke computer tue?
  • aku : *angguk2* ada boss aritue dieorg bukak lagu ada...
  • boss : ok awk masukan la ape2 yg patut utk menarik org..blablablablabla...
  • aku : *angguk2* ok boss nnt sy tgkkn..
fuuuhhhhh!!!!ape yg terjadi pong im not sure sgt..tgh cuba nk proses dek cek otak ni hahahhaa..dh gie tgk dh komputer kt sudut lepak tue...lupe laks die guna ubuntu...terbuntu aku jap kt citu hahahahaha..blasah jerk la...dh godek2 tgk la kang azan zohor kuar atau kuar kena la godek2 lagi hahaha...

*dh rasa mcm nyanyi lagu angguk2 geleng2 laks hahahaha*

Thursday, April 21, 2011

its OUR 2nd year

Yeay we're survived it u all can see its OUR 2nd year anniversary..yes yes we've been on n off n on n off again n again n again ahaks but the fact tat we LOVE eachother does not vanish from our mind tats why we're back 2gether again..n again n again hahahaa...

Happy Anniversary Syg.. no words can express my feeling towards u...i love u soooo much...we've celebrated our anniversary awal bulan aritue..soo here's the pic of our cake hehe..

tgh2 cari pic 4 anniversary...tersempak site yg ade byk here a couple of my fav quotes..

  • “Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
  • “Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends”
  • “Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.”
  • “Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence”
  • “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.”
  • “When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman.
well guys pick 1..i love them in love and nobody can stop me oyeahhh... mwakkhhhssss. happy reading guys till next quest....

*Happy Anniversary to my fren NYZA n EE..happy 1 year 2gether...*

Thursday, April 14, 2011

ia kembali..

hehehe wat suspen jerk topic today nk story sakit gigi ku kembali menyerang...isk mcm nk nangis dh la lagi2 kt opis ni sejuk rasa mcm super sakit gg ni tk tertahan lagi..kembali la daku mkn sup2 jerk..

the only way to ilang kn sakit gg ni is to buang / operate gigi yg ade hell i nk gie OPERATE ohhh tidakkk...takut dgr or baca perkataan itu..mcm trauma bila kita di pengsan kn sepenuhnya n ade doktor duk potong2 kita n kuar kn secebis dr isi bdn kita isk isk isk bila pk gitu mmg ngeri knnnnnnn...nk di jadi kn lebih ngeri tibe2 tgh dieorg potong2 kite tersedar..uwaaaa mmg kena bunuh la doktor2 kt citu hahahaha..tknk la takut la..biar la daku dgn kesakitan ini huhuu..

Doctor GIGI

*cakit uu uu uuu*

Monday, April 11, 2011


maaf last 2 entry telah di delete kerana atas mslh yg tidak dpt di terangkn hehe..entry lain akn menyusul nnt...tguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

*Love u all*

Saturday, April 9, 2011

mlm yg sepi pi pi....

well hello back its a quite nite here at home..tktau la ape jd kt luar sbb duk dlm bilik je..suppose nk kuar mlm ni but terlampau lewat make a decision soo turns out duk golek dlm bilik lg besh knnnn.. tk byk story nk di mory kn sbb rasa nya hati tgh berada dlm keadaan tenang...kang tk tenang balik mula la jari jemari nk menaip..abesh semua org nye page gie lawat n kumen hahaha..besh wat keje2 mcm ni bila hati kecamuk *betul ke ayat tue wujud ke?*

anyways nape ek org slalu rasa mereka benar bila mereka berkata tp bila org lain berkata semua nya tk benar ek??pelik tp slalu rasa bila kita berkata org lain tk terasa padahal terasa nya pedih ya amat cuma mls nk ckp pape..not just words la cos 4 me tindakkan speaks louder.. kdg2 org2 sekeliling yg kita rasa patut phm la yg paling pertama sekali tk phm..mmg slh sendiri la sbb nk suh org phm kite nape kn kn..tah la ape mende aku merepek ni..kesimpulannya everybody makes mistakes kecik or besar tu terpulang pada pengadil..but kite sebagai manusia patut biarkn pengadil yg mengadili cos kita ni tk cukup kelayakan nk adil org..sapalah kitaa knnn..

actually mcm2 bermain dlm pale ni..nk luah kt cini pun mcm tk sesuai nk luah kt sana lagi tk sesuai..luah jerk la kt diri sendiri smpi rasa nk muntah darah hahaha..cos the bestfren u could ever have is ureself..nk kongsi cikit la mslh kunun nya dlm pale otak ni huhu...i wanna move out nk dkt ngn tmpt keje supaya mudah cikit nk g n balik..dh ade org offer..which is amat menarik offer nya but...ade syarat...n tat syarat yg wat jadi mcm tk menarik laks offer beliau..isk isk mcmane ek...2 move or not 2 move tat is the question....haiyaaa esk2 la pulaks pk tdo lagi baik..

till next quest guyz..happy reading...just pardon the part where i merepek..its just 1 of my ways to channel my negative energy....

*tdo peluk bebear...*

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hye nama sy BeBear..
jantina sy beruang gugurl..
sy br berumur 5 hari..
sy ingin mencari teman..
mama n papa sy dh tidak bersama..
sy lonely sgt2..
sy comel kn
sy ada bunga, bunga tue papa sy bg tuk mama sy
sy ade rantai bentuk love,
rantai tue pun papa sy bg untuk mama sy..
klu boleh sy nk mama n papa bersatu balik
tp sy tk mampu sbb bunga n hati sy ni tk cukup besar..
anda semua tlg la sy..bolehh tk??
skang ni sy duduk dgn mama..
tp sy rindu papa..
mungkin kah sy akn dibiarkan begitu sahaja???
sy takut...
bantu sy ye...

*Love is a promise u gave to me but promises are meant to be broken....*

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

all about me

i know its been a while since i wrote anything here..minda rasa nk menulis but jari jemari ni menghalang dr always a lot have happen...most of it the ruining my life time of thingy.. i need a break from all this...nk gie jauh2 dr semua bende n semua org..1 hari nnt akn ku lakukn jua tgk la...

ive got all sort of mental abuse from my family bukn nk buruk kn family sendiri but mmg dh tk thn lagi..duk kt umah mcm duk dlm kawasan larangan...4 the time being mmg tk mampu nk duk tmpt lain..but aku berdoa untuk di beri rezeki lebih bg memampukn diri ku untuk melangkah kuar..nk citer pnjng2 tkmampu cos its a black episode dlm diary hidup soo biar la ia terkubur dlm sudut yg jauh2 dr hati...minda n bdn tk sama naik smpi time kt keje slalu nya rasa letih jerk...tah la tktau nk explain mcmane...rasa down yg amat..ssh nk citer kt org kite yg merasa jerk phm.....

di tambah kn dgn love life yg agak bengong tktau la maybe thats the rite word 4 it...kejap on kejap off..bila dh on gatal nk off bila dh of gatal nk on...pening bgt...bahana diri not complaining i know its my own fault...i tk minta pun bantu siapa2 dlm bab ni cos i think im strong enough to do anything kn...cos tats whut i want people to think senang...if dieorg tau kite lemah ssh akn lebih di pandang rendah...

im really at the lowest point of my life...nk gie mana tktau..nk wat ape tktau...i just idup mcm robot pegi keje balik keje tdo esk pg gie keje balik...rutin harian..until Saturday came terus blank..duk umah mcm tk kena...kuar pun serba tk kena ahaks...kdg2 rasa nk bunuh diri..but bila pk bunuh diri tmbh2 doa buat ape kn...tah ape la yg aku merapukn ni kn..harap2 lepas ni korg dpt nmpk aku yg lebih kuat yg mampu nk buat keputusan yg terbaik tuk diri sendiri..

*in order to get whut u want u have to be selfish*