well ive been posted to the multimedia n training section hahahahha multimedia adeh mati la.... mane reti uwaaaa...but kena blaja baik2 kena wat elok2 tk reti kena bertanya kn kn kn itu la cara bekerja...theres alot of new thing i have to understand n much much more borang 2 fill ahaks tekanan woooo lagi2 if sistem kureng memuaskan...n yg paling2 penting tat i have to adapt to is cara pemakaian hahahaha bj kurung jerk huhuhu dh la almari mmg tk cukup bj kurung isk golek2 baju yg sama jerk la...nnt if ade gaji kena la beli bj...but bulan nie sadly i didnt get my paycheck yet haisshh kena la tgu bulan dpn....nsb baik pose...
btw nie ade pic yg lya nk tunjuk aritue lagik nk upload but tk kesmpaian..hehe nie pic kt tmpt keje...
nie la the famous meja bulat (everytime pegawai br lapor diri kena duk kt cini sekurang2nya 5 ari)
permandangan dari tingkap bangunan SPA
decorative pic from 1 of the meetings room (i just love the pic) *sorry the pic quality is not so nice*
well now dh dpt tmpt tk sempat nk ambik pic lagikk..nnt la i take 1 at least bg korg tgk k hahahaha...k la all till next quest..happy reading