Sunday, October 24, 2010

golek golek

hey guys its sunday...yeaaahhh but i pg2 td dh bgn dh cos kena siap2 umah ade org nk dtg..well dh siap semua..time nk msk laks..bila dh siap semua tinggal nk cmpur dlm kuali jerk br pasan cili mesin tue dh rosakk uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...nsb baik ade lagi dlm peti tp dh beku mcm icecream la hahahha tekanan tui..terpaksa msk lepas org tue dh balik hehe tk sempat die merasa msakan ku ngeh ngeh ngeh...

well org yg dtg tue is my sista's fren..jual insurans mmg purposely ajak dia dtg umah nk tgk the best plan yg i can affort to take hehe..dh settle dh kes insuran tue dh ambik the best plan yg ada n mengikut kemampuan ku hehehe...yehaaaa rasa secure cikit yer la dh dkt 28 thn idup tp tkde insurans hehe nsb baik tkpernah jadi ape2 n doakn la lepas ade insurans nie pun tkde kena ape2 hehe aminnn..

arinie tk abesh lagik so tktau ape bakal timbul mlm nnt we just wait n see la kn..nnt if sumtin happen i wrote down lagik tue pung klu rajin hehehe....oh btw td mukmuk kol ade gaks cikit kompleksiti berlaku kat citu kang2 la citer mls laks nk menaip wekss :P

till next quest guysss...happy reading..

*mkn aym grg mcd yg pedas tue berdesing rasa peyut nie adeeehhh...*

Saturday, October 23, 2010

there ive said it!!!

well guys i dont know whut gotten into me 2day..i felt so sad n tired...argghhh nape la ssh sgt org nk pujuk ati ku yg lemah ni i being 2 difficult? am i difficult in the 1st place? erm...i dont know whut to say anymore..maybe i hope to much from u..its my own fault i admit it iskkk its my own fault..i guess there is nothing left to say anymore but GOODBYE...

till next quest guys..happy reading...

*terasa mcm nk rendam pale kt kolam air pns laks*

for the time being....

its been quite some time tat i wrote anything on this blog..well i just don't seem to have the time ahaks..been quite bz wit a lot of are some of the list of things tat happen :
  1. my parents when to perform their haj
  2. i don't have an alone time anymore
  3. mukmuk been here for quite some time
  4. mukmuk log a police report
  5. my previous maid stop replace wit a new maid tat dont know how to fold baju..
  6. when to bukit langat wit mukmuk n nyza
  7. mukmuk when back to kulim
  8. mukmuk got job at penang
  9. mukmuk got offered to go to japan
well thats a couple of things tat i can list down ahaks yg lain probably dh luput dlm ingatan..all the story above involve feeling actually but i just cant reply the feeling here..well its not tat i cant i think i just dont want to ahaks..its a free country riteee.....maybe later when i have the time n the feeling back i can wrote down 4 u to read...

i guess tats all 4 now guys..happy reading till next quest.....

* nothingg but feeelingggggg (ayah suke karaoke lagu nie)*