Friday, December 28, 2012


Salam Jumaat smua..arini pg2 bukak mukabuku nmpk la ada member post kt atas ni..sooo tertarik tuk post kt sini cos mcm menarik je nk di bincangkn kn kn kn...

As for me im not the revenge type..but i am the never forget type ahaks...n yes i am trying 2 move on n trying 2 get over what ever that has there such people???people who just cant take it if there's somebody tat he or she knows is kn ada ke org mcm tu??i think there is cos klu tkde tkkn benda tu timbul kn..what ever pn my suffering is mine alone eventho org leh nmpk but org tkleh rasa aite..n if the other part tu rasa puas ngn ape yg telah dia buat then so be it..karma is always there..biar tuhan je yg balas 

tah ape bende aku merepek ni td sbnrnya idea lain nk tulis pastu dtg laks keje trs lupe hahaha but tu la sikit sbyk what i wanna say *maybe* ahaks..then till next quest guys mwahkksss...

tis is me :

nota tangan : moving on feels sooo good..just another 3 days....