Monday, August 30, 2010


"i love u no matter wat tau"

ahaks...kata2 yg tersemat di hati..maybe org dh muak dgn kisah cinta kami..well i myself pun kdg2 muak gaks hahahaha *jgn marah muk*...keje kami dari awal berchenta is clsh kapel clsh kapel...mmg meluat gaks hahaha tp for me i think thats whut makes us love each other so much..cos no matter whut happen our love always lead us the way back to each other heart...

once i penah bgtau kt matter how jht muk muk i pun or kureng ajaq nyer dia..dia still the only one yg leh wat i ketawa smpi terkencing2 hahahaha..*rahsia kite tau*..the only one yg boleh wat i marah,geram,syg,cinta at the same time ahaks...klu nk tau tkde la hebat sgt muk i nie but die pandai nk main kn peranan dia *kdg2 jerk kn muk wekss*....

its hard 4 me 2 explained whut happen between us..i think if u asked muk pun muk tktau..but yg pasti kami boleh jawap from the bottom of our heart is tat we love each other so much...Muk dh la tue muk tkperlu la kite nk gaduh2 n clsh2 lagik sbb kite tau hati kita r meant 4 each other ahaks...nnt smpi masa kite akn tetap bersama k muk...

oh btw kata2 atas tue muk msg kt i...sape kata dak kureng ajaq tue tk romantik kn kn kn ahaks..honestly muk byk berubah n im soo soo sooo sooooooo proud of him...i dont know whut makes him change hanya dia yg leh jwp soklan tue...*so muk sila jwp nape?hehe*

syg i love u to no matter wat....lets just hope tat our dream will come true ye syg...mwakhsss...

ok tats it 4 now guyz bos dh mai hahahaha...till next quest happy reading...

*muk sentiasa muk pada ku ngeh ngeh ngeh*

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