It seems like lately ni aku asik je sedey kn..mcm lawak pn ada..dlu masa aku single..duk dkt ngn family n kwn2..skang dh duk sorg trasa lebih lg agknya..ahaks lawak kn.. Aku ni strong independent woman kn pahal laks aku asik rasa lonely je..tahap teruk dh ni..I need a hobby kut..but what can that be?mengait?hahaha dh lama tingin blaja but I dont think I have the patience nk mengait..n btw aku kn mmg tkenal ngn sikap pemalas aku hahaha..ada tk hobby yg u get to do absolutely nothing hahahha..
Apa la yg aku merepek ni..sbnrnya niat tulis ni td nk ckp kt diri sndiri to wakeup..wakeup from this slumber..wake up from this dump..wake up from this dreadful feeling..loneliness is just a feeling get over it...pick ureself up n walk towards the light n if there's no one there than thats ok..ure a survivor n u can make much stronger than this..
Till next quest guys..mwahkss love korg..
Nota tangan : relationship is overated..